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JP1 Remotes Forum Index -> File Section -> JP1 File Section -> Extenders -> One For All -> URC-6440 -> URC-6440 Extender v1.04
File - URC-6440 Extender v1.04
Description: This version adds two new features to v1.03, global Special Functions and the ability to select a device within a macro without activating any macro that may be on that device key.

It supports 12 devices and 6 activities (combo modes). It provides a Shift key to enable a second (shifted) and third (XShifted) function to be put on any button. It permits macros to be used in combo modes and also on device and combo buttons.

It includes all the Special Functions that have been developed for more traditional extenders, namely DSM, LKP, DKP, ToadTog, Multiplex and Pause. It allows nested macros, has 15 phantom buttons, facilities for early exit from a pause or from nested macros and a facility for saving and restoring the device/combo settings within a macro. It also provides for control of the duration for which the signals of a macro sequence are sent.

This Extender can be used with or without RMIR. All the setup features of the original remote work also with the extended remote and all features of the extender other than the Special Functions can be set up through the setup facilities of the remote itself. Use of the Special Functions does require RMIR. The package includes a 26-page manual in PDF form that gives full details of the procedures for setup without RMIR, as well as installation instructions and details about the Special Functions.
Submited by: mathdon
Author: mathdon
Version: 1.04
Web Site: Click Here
Date: Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:43 am
Last Updated: Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:11 am
Last Download: Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:01 am
File Size: 420.28 KB
Rating: 10 / 10 (3 Votes)
Downloaded: 290

Author Comments

Joined: 08 Oct 2006
Posts: 3

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:26 am    Comment subject: Thanks

This is a great extender for a great remote - the hold+device button in this last version was just what I needed
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