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JP1 Glossary: Main Document, Index



A reference to the commands used to program the remote from the remotes keypad. The commands available vary by remote. There may be commands to search for setup codes; blink back setup codes;blink back the remotes signature; setup macros, keymoves and learns.


A sequence of numbers that start with 15- indicate a part number for a RadioShack Remote (many of which were manufactured by UEI). The 15-1994 is perhaps the best known of these remotes, so well known that it is just referred to as "the 1994".


A popular style of cable remote.

Advanced Code

An old term for EFC.


1) a file extention for compressed binary files.
2) a file extention for files containing a device upgrade for a slingbox. This type of bin file can be imported or exported from RemoteMaster.


A file extension for a file that contains encoded signal information for a Philips Pronto Remote user's equipment. CCF files are helpful for finding codes for equipment. These files can be converted to a tab delimited text files with decodeCCF.

Channel Lock

This is an option that often appears on cable remotes. This setting keeps the channel changing buttons set to control the cable companies decoder box even when the remote is not in CBL mode.

Cinema 7

This is often used to reference the very popular JP1 ready remote, the URC-7800 Cinema 7 Remote With learning. This usually does not refrence the real URC-7200 Cinema 7, which is very different remote.


A cable company that uses UEI remotes for their set top boxes.


A cable company that uses UEI remotes for their set top boxes.


Comma Separated Values, which is a plain text database type file, with each record being a line, and each field in the record separated by a comma.. An CSV file can be opened by Excel with a click so its a popular file format for sharing data between applications.


When a button is first pressed the electrical contacts often make and break contact several times before solid contact is made. The remote waits for a small time period after the initial contact so make sure that these bounces are not treated as multiple presses.


A program that can decode a Pronto CCF file. DecodeCCF produces a tab delimited text file of the decodes.


A dyanamic linked library file used my many of the JP1 programs to decode IR timing data.


1)The numerical representation of a portion of an IR signal, that usually does not change over a group of signals for a piece of equipment.

2) Equipment being controlled.

Device Combiner

An protocol that allows you to create one setup code that combines several different types of signals and assign it to a single device button. The combiner can free up keymove/macro space, but takes up a large amout of upgrade space. The combiner lets you specify the duration for signal, which may improve their performance in macros. The device combiner can only work with protocol executors that use 3 digit EFCs.

Device Index

A number that corresponds to the last device key that was pressed, or in the case of an extender, the number to use for various keysets. When a non-device key is pressed, the device index is used to figure out how to process that button press.

Device keys

The keys that change which equipment your remote is controlling e.g. [TV], [DVD]. [VCR], [CBL], [SAT], [RCVR], [CD], [PVR], [AUX], [PVR].

Device Mode

A Device Mode is everything that gets selected by pressing a device key. That includes a device index, a setup code and a set of key moves and a set of learned signals.

Device Upgrade

This is a setup code that was added after the remote was manufactured, and resides in the E2/EEPROM area.

Device Type

Device type is associated with each setup code. Device types have three major functions.

A device type is used to find the correct setup code to process when a button is pressed. Some remotes use 5 digit setup codes where the first digit is the device type, other remotes have you issue a *992 command to change the device type before you enter a 4 digit setup code.

Device types determine which keys are available for assignment when creating an upgrade. Some device types have more or different keys available than other device types.

A device type may influence how things like volume punch through; channel lock; transport punch through; and the record and FAV buttons work on your remote.

Although a device type is selected from a a list that might say TV;VCR;DVD;CD;AMP .... The device type has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what kind of equipment will recognize this signal. I found this explanation box helpful in understanding Device Type:



An Excel spreadsheet that keeps track of all the device setup codes and the protocol information in various remotes.


A spreadsheet that gives you EFC information for the setup codes in the RS 15-1994 remote.

Discrete Codes

A code that gives you direct access to a function that is normally accessed by toggling or rotating. Discretes are most often used to ensure your home theater components stay completely in sync for powering on and off and changing inputs.


Double Key Press, A special protocol that processes different keys depending on if the key was pressed once or twice in a given time period.


Device Specific Macro, A special protocol that only runs a macro when you are in the bound device mode.


Digital Video Recorder


The area in an Flash chip that corresponds the EEPROM area in the older remotes.


A memory chip that maintains its contents without electrical power, and whose contents can be erased and reprogrammed either within the remote or from an external source. EEPROMs are used where the application requires stable storage without power, but where the chip may have to be reprogrammed


Extended Function Code, this is a code that allows us send a parameter to the protocol executor to send a IR signal for a specific function. The EFC can be 3 or 5 digits. Depending on the vintage of the remote you may not be able to use 5 digit EFCs. If a remote requires 5 digit EFC's, you need to prepend 00 to a 3-digit EFCs. If the remote uses 3 Digit EFC's, you can not send 5 digit EFCs. EFC's are specific to a protocol executor. The EFC should not be confused with the OBC.


1) An extender is a JP1 program that is loaded into the E2/EEPROM area your remote as a protocol executor.

This protocol replaces the main processing loop and adds extended functionality beyond that which the remote delivered as standard and overrides some of the normal remote operations. An extender converts all your learning memory to extend the keymove/macro memory, and changes the way macros are processed.

An extended remote has the extender program installed. An unextended remote does not have the extender program installed.

2) Sometimes, but rarely, an extender refers to a gadget purchased to increase the range of the IR transmission.

Flash chip

A rewritable memory chip that retains its data without a power supply.


The portion of an IR signal that is different for each button.


The Motorola chip in JP1.2 remotes.


Home Theater, often used to describe a scheme where different keys for different equipment are active at the same time for ease of remote use.


A file extension produced by IRScope that contains infrared timing data.


IIRC has nothing to do with infrared or IR, but is a common forum abbreviation for If I Recall Correctly (IIRC).


The cable that connects the remote to the computer.


1) Infrared light or Infrared Signal

2) IR.EXE one of the main JP1 tools

3) A file created in IR.exe that has an extension of .IR

IR Emitter

This is the part of the remote that sends the signal, not to be confused with the LED. The IR Emitter sends a timed signal that is not visible to the naked eye.

IR Signal

A timed pattern of infrared light that follows certain rules (a protocol), so that it can be recognized by an IR receiver.

IR Widget

A hardware gadget that can capture IR signals timing data.


A program that converts an IR file or a portion of an IR file into a WAV file for modem upgradeable remotes.


A file extention for files containing IR Protocol Notation for use with Makehex.

IRP Notation

Is a formula that describes how IR timing data is interpreted. an example of IRP notation: {38.4k,564}<1,-1|1,-3>(16,-8,D:8,S:8,F:8,~F:8,1,-78,(16,-4,1,-173)*)


A program that works with the IR Widget to capture signals, decodes the signals and displays them graphically. It also can be used to take pronto hex decode it, and turn in into a UEI learn.


A program that can take learned pronto hex and call decodeIR to find out what kind of signal it is.

JP1 Lookup Tool

A web based replacement for devices4.xls, this lets you find detailed information on setup codes.


A remote that has a lighted touch screen instead of hard buttons. Like the sound alike chameleon lizard changes appearance, the kameleon remote's touch screen's changes depending on device selection.


The numeric code that is associated with a specific button on your remote.


A keymove is a way to reassign the function of a particular button. A keymove remembers its setup code. A keymove is bound to a device mode, and a button. Keymoves carry their own setup code reference. There are two types of keymoves,

1) A keycode keymove. A keycode keymove looks up a key to send in the setup code it references..

2) An EFC keymove, sends a particular function which might not be assigned to any key in the setup code.

Helper Device

Sometimes equipment takes different kinds of signals to get all the functions. If these can not be handled by a single setup code, a helper device is used. A helper device may be an upgrade or it may be a built in device. The helper device is used with keymoves, while the main setup is assigned to a device button. Remember that keymoves remember their own setup code.


Keymap-Master, an Excel worksheet that helps you create a device upgrade


Some of the jp1 remotes have a small liquid crystal display screen to display prompts and setup code information to take the guess work out of remote operation.


A recording of an IR signal that is attached to a specific key in a specific Device Mode. The learning process captures the signal sent from the OEM remote and detects where the signal starts repeating and optimzies it for storage. Because the signal has been optimized, holding the OEM button longer does not increase the amount of learning memory used to store the recording.


Light Emitting Diode, this is the light that flashes on your remote to acknowledge that a button was processed, not the part of the remote that sends the signal.


(Linux Infrared remote control) is an open source package that allows users to receive and send infrared signals with a Linux-based computer system.


A file that describes a infrared signal.


Least Significant Bit first: This is the sequence for sending binary data that is used by the majority of IR Protocols,


Long Key Press, a special protocol that processes different buttons depending on how long the button was pressed.


A macro allows you to assign several button presses to a single button. Macros are useful for repetitive tasks. Macros are modeless, no matter what mode you are in, pressing the macro button will start the macro. Each button press uses the active device mode at that moment in time.


A program that can make pronto hex, based on IRP notation.

MakeHex GUI

A user friendly wrapper for the MakeHex program.


A cable company remote that used to be popular in the JP1 group.


Most Significant Bit first: This is a sequence for sending binary data that is used by some IR Protocols.


A special protocol that allows the user to change setup codes on the fly.


A cable remote that used to be popular in the JP1 group.


Original Button Code- This will be a numeric value that corresponds to the part of the signal that changes as you press different keys.


Original Equipment Manufacturer. An OEM remote, is the remote that came with your equipment.


One for All, a brand name remote.


Over the Air


Protocol Builder, an Excel spread sheet that allows us to create a protocol executor to send an IR signal.


Printed Circuit Board


A file extension from newer Philips Pronto Remotes. These files contain user's signal data on their equipment. There is no convenient way to do a batch extract and decode of these signals. The signals need to be individually extracted with prontoEditNG and decoded with IRTool or IRScope.

Phantom device

Sometimes a remote is setup to handle more devices than there are device buttons. For example the URC-10820, 8820 and 6820 have 10,8, and 6 device buttons respectively. These remotes all share the same chip. So the 8820 has 2 phantom devices, the 6820 has 4 phantom devices. With our JP1 tools, we can set up macros to access the missing device buttons, and put our remote into another device mode.

Phantom key

The number of keys that may be accommodated within the range of base key numbers, generally, is greater than the number of physical keys on the remote. Thus, there may be “holes” throughout the numbering scheme or there may be unused key numbers at the end. Some remotes use some of these extra key numbers for special purposes. However, if not a special case, such key numbers are handled by the remote just as if they represented physical keys. These are phantom keys – key numbers without keys.

A phantom key may be used as the bound key in both macros and keymoves, A physical key is required only to start the process, i.e., for the first macro or keypress. The remaining macros or keymoves also must be assigned to keys, and they would be assigned to phantom keys. By using phantom keys in this way, physical keys can be reserved for functions that must be associated directly with physical keypresses.


Protocol ID, a hex number that uniquely identifies a protocol executor.


An high-end remote manufactured by Philips. Prontos produce files that can be shared with other Pronto users to share information about their home theater equipment's signals.

Pronto Hex

A string of 4 digit hexadecimal number that conveys signal timing information.


A program that allows you to extract data from a Pronto PCF file.


A set of rules that describe how an IR signal needs to be formated. Also used for protocol executor.

Protocol Executor

A small subroutine that takes in data and formats and transmits an IR signal.

Protocol Upgrade

A protocol executor that was added to the remote after it was manufactured. The Protocol upgrade resides in the E2/EEPROM area.

Protocol variant

1)A change in a protocol executor that requires different parameters to send the same signal
2)A signal that ALMOST follows the rules of a well known protocol.


1) A text file used by RemoteMaster to define how device, subdevice and function codes need to be translated into variables to be passed to the individual protocol executors.


Personal Video Recorder


Remote Definition file, used by tools to understand how to process data read from the remote.


RemoteMaster, a Java program that helps you create a device upgrade


A file with an extension of .rdmu is a RemoteMaster Device Upgrade created by RemoteMaster.


1) A Java program combining the features of RM and IR to create an all-in-one program to configure and upgrade JP1 remote controls.

2) A file with an .rmir extension produced by the Java based program RMIR.


Radio Shack, a chain of stores in the U.S. that specialize in electronic equipment.


A file extension for Rich Text Format files.

S3C8 S3C8+ S3F8 Samsung chips. The s3c8 is used in older jp1 remotes, the s3c8+ is used in newer jp1 remotes, and the s3f8 is used in JP1.3 remotes.

Setup Button

Your [Setup] button is the button that you use to start manual 99x programming when you are initially setting up your remote manually. The labeling of the [Setup] button varies by remote models. It may be labeled [Setup]; [Magic]; [P]; [Set] or something all together different.

Setup Code

A setup code is a reference to the remotes internal library of codes. A booklet or pamphlet came with your remote listing the available setup codes in the remotes library.

Shift Cloaking

When a shifted key is sent, and no learn, keymove or macro is found, the shift bit in the keycode is turned off before seeing if there is a function defined for that key in the setup. This allows you to have a keymove or a macro on a key and still access the underlying function.

Shifted Key

When a button is preceded by the press of the [Setup] button, a bit is set to create an alternate keycode. The alternate keycode is used for searching for learns, keymoves and macros.


An 8 byte code stored in the remotes E2/EEProm area that identifies the model of remote.


The Slingbox is a TV streaming device that enables users to remotely view their home's cable, satellite, or personal video recorder (PVR) programming from an Internet-enabled computer with a broadband Internet connection.

Special Protocol

An executor developed by the JP1 community, to make our remotes more customized. Pause, Multiplex, LKP/DKP , ToadTog, and DSM are the best known special protocols.


Set Top Box


The numerical representation of a portion of a set IR signals that usually changes less often than the device over a group of signals.


A Toggle Only Actuated Device is equipment that lacks discrete codes to do such things as power on, or power off, or select inputs without rotating through a list.


Toggle-Only Actuated Devices toggler. The ToadTog Protocol manages 8 state bits and selectively runs commands based on state and was developed to mimic discrete on/off commands.


Any button that works first one way and then the other. A power button is typically a toggle, it turns something on the first time it is pressed and then turns it off the next time.

Transport keys

The keys associated with a VCR/DVD/CD/PVR that allow for Play, Record, Stop, Pause, Forward and Reverses


Transport Punch Through, as when the remote is in TV mode, but the Play, Pause and Stop still work the DVD player.


A Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter is the electronic circuit that makes up the serial port on a PC.


Universal Infrared Receiver Transmitter used to send and receive infrared remote control signals from your PC.


Universal Electronics Inc.


1) a universal remote control 2) Universal Remote Control, a company that makes non-jp1 remotes. This company is a competitor of UEI.


A UEI remote part number like URC-8820. One For All remotes and many OEM cable remotes have part numbers that start with URC.


Volume Punch Through, as when the remote is in CBL mode, but if you press the Vol+ key, it still controls the TV.

WAV File

A file with a WAV extension, that can be played over the PC speakers to upgrade modem upgradeable remotes. This file can be exported or imported by IR.exe when IR2Wav has

WAV Form

IRScope's graphical display of IR timing data.


See IR Widget


A cable company that uses UEI remotes for their set top boxes.

Personal tools
